Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Superman, the most famous and popular comic character

Superman, a character who is depicted in a series of comics as a man who have superpower and can fly is one the most famous and most popular comic characters, and I believe almost every child knows about Superman

photo uploaded to Flickr under Creative Commons license by Mark and Allegra

Creation of Superman

Superman was created by American, Jerry Siegel and Canadian, Joe Shuster in 1932 and subsequently sold to Detective Comics Incorporated in 1938. Superman was first featured in the Action Comics and later in radio series, television programs, films newspapers and even video games.

Story of Superman

As the story goes, Superman was born on planet Krypton as Kal-El, by was saved from death by his scientist father who sent him off by rocket to planet Earth just moments before Krypton was destroyed. He was found as an infant by a Kansan farmer who together with his wife, raised him up as Clark Kent.

As Clark Kent developed into maturity, he acquired superpowers. In his normal life, he live as a Metropolis newspaper reporter, the Dailey Planet (originally the Daily Star), working with his colleague and girlfriend reporter Louis Lane. When circumstances and disaster arose, Clark Kent transform into Superman and used his superhuman power which he used to help those in need and humanities out of various crises and disasters.

Superman's superpower

Among superpower attributed to Superman superhuman power including superhumnan strength, X-ray, telescopic, infra-red, and microscopic vision, super-hearing, and super-breath with the ability to freeze objects by blowing on them, blow high-speed winds with force to move huge items.

Superman's weakness

Among Superman's vulnerabilities are reduction of his superhuman power plus being subjected to pain when exposed to radiation from Kryptonite, mineral debris from the destruction of planet Krypton. Rumours has it that this vulnerability was introduced to allow Bud Collyer, the radio serial voice actor, to have time off from the radio broadcast.

Superman's nickname

Superman had also been referred to as the Man of Steel, the Man of Tomorrow, the Last Son of Krypton and the big blue Boy Scout.

Controversies surrounding Superman

The original creators of the now famous and lucrative comic character, Siegel and Shuster twice sued for the return of legal ownership. The latest seem to be that its copyright status is still in dispute, with Siegel's wife and daughter having a claim to a share of the income from the copyright. This is disputed by the Warner Brothers, the parent company of its current copyright owner, Detective Comics Incorporated.